Sunday, September 19, 2010

Zombie Girl ~ A Book Written And Illustrated By Brandi Wylie

A few weeks ago I was asked to do a review for Growing Tree Toys.  If you are unfamiliar with this site, they offer a wide variety of educational toys for all ages.  They kindly sent me a Create Your Own Pop-Up Book Kit to use and review.

The kit comes with two hardcover books, one that measures 8.5”x8.5” and the other 6.25”x6.25”.  The girls flipped a coin to see who would get which book.  Brandi ended up with the smaller one, and I have to say that I was impressed with these books.  They are sturdy, with strong, thick pages.

Here is a shot of Brandi's cover:
Those of you who know my child, know that she has an amazingly awesome imagination.  This book allowed her to put that imagination to work, and she came up with quite a story.  She wrote about a girl who is a zombie.  This girls friends don't know she is a zombie until she starts eating everyone's brains.  You can see in the picture below that she used a bunch of the stickers and the markers that came in the kit to show the cat and dogs heads exploding.  She was very insistent that all that red is blood. 
Do you see that little spiral in the left upper corner?  If you pull on the end, you can read about how zombie girl is warning people that she is going to eat their brains.  Have I mentioned that my daughter is only 8 years old?  Yeah, I'm so proud of her.  I have a future Dean Koontz on my hands.

If you have a child, or know a child who loves to tell stories, this kit is a great way for them to bring their stories to life.  There are also lots of other toys on this site that can challenge a child's creativity.  I plan on keeping Brandi's book forever so I can show it to her kids someday.

***I was sent this product to use and review free of charge as part of Growing Tree Toys Blogger Review Program.  I was not required to write a good review, only an honest one.  The opinions above are my own. (and my daughters)


Tammy said...

Wow this is a awesome book Brandi made. I love her art work.

jenn said...

Tammy ~ Thanks! She is definitely creative in a Stephen King kind of way.