Thursday, October 21, 2010

Almost ready

 I spent all day today getting the food ready for tomorrow night's party.  If you want a peek at at some of the appetizers, check them out here.  I'm too tired to upload the pictures over here, too.  I still have so much to do tomorrow, so I need to get to bed.  I plan on taking tons and tons of pictures tomorrow so you guys can see all the fun we're going to have.  Did that make sense?  I plan on taking pictures of the fun.  Maybe that's better...can you tell I'm tired????


Jennie @ Modern Mamaz said...

Dude... I need some picture of fun!! I'm drowning in snot over here and I can't see the light!

Dawn said...

I am wanting LOTS of pictures !! Have fun !! :)

Frugal Vicki said...

the food looks great! Have an awesome time!

jenn said...

Um, ladies, I only took a few pictures...I was too busy having fun!!!! But, i will post the ones I did take later...I have such a mess to clean up! Who wants to come help?