Sunday, October 17, 2010

Angelcare Spider Vein Treatment Review

I think all of us have spider veins somewhere on our bodies.  I have a very tiny spot on my lower shin, and was excited to try this spider vein treatment.   The system came with two creams, a massager, and literature.

About the product, in their own words:

             Angelicare™ Ultra Nutricreme contains essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants required for healthy skin. It also contains emu oil to sooth the skin from abrasion. Elastin and collagen, natural building blocks, are added to help firm both the dermal and epidermal layers of skin.
 After Angelicare™ Ultra Nutricreme is applied, the Angelicare™ Heat and Massage Skin Stimulator is utilized upon the target area. The heat helps with the deep penetration of the cream and stimulates the blood flow, bringing needed nutrients to the area.
 The informational and inspirational pamphlet, “The Proper Way to Heal Thyself” is also included and is an informative guide to nourishing the skin. This information complements the Angelicare™ process and offers hints towards achieving health and total well being.
I have been using it for about a week now, and haven't seen much of a change.  I think that I need to give it more time.  The company doesn't give a specific timetable for results, mostly because every body is different.  I am going to keep with it, though.  I'll let you know when I start seeing results.   

The Angelicare™ Spider Vein Treatment System Kit includes two, 2-ounce jars of Ultra Nutricreme, the Angelicare™ Skin Stimulator, and “The Proper Way to Heal Thyself.” Suggested retail price is $99.95 plus $7.95 for shipping and handling. You can find this product at or to order, call Intromark directly at (800) 851-6030.

A side note....though not it's intention, I had Kasi use the massager on my back, and it was wonderful!
This Product Was a Free Giveaway


Tammy said...


jenn said...

Tammy ~ good word choice...I am not sure if it is going to work for me, but like I said, the massager feels wonderful on my back! lol!