Monday, October 18, 2010


Ryan's birthday party is Friday night, and I am trying to get everything ready, which is a big undertaking because I am extremely lazy and tend to leave everything until the last minute.  Like cleaning...I will probably be cleaning like crazy woman all day Friday, even though I have all week to do it.  I guess you could say I work best under pressure.

Anyway, over the weekend I made these cute little chocolate pops.  You can't see it clearly in the picture, but the first one is a spider in a web, and the spider is green.  It's my favorite of all the chocolates I made.  I still have to make the chocolate covered pretzels....maybe tomorrow.  Or the next day.


Unknown said...

Very cute pops, my mom has made some before for my kids and diff events but I have not ventured there yet, also not sure if the chocolate would be safe for my middle son, he has a peanut allergy.

jenn said...

Kel ~ hmmmm...I have never dealt with allergies before, so I have no idea.