Saturday, October 2, 2010

The Fun Of Raking Leaves

Brandi did this:

So she could do this:


Christy said...

Yay! This makes me want to go out and rake! Well, our backyard is muddy so the raking and jumping in leaves would not go well.

YummY! said...

Jumping in leaves is the best fun...until they jump back on you.

One year I was playing in a leaf pile, when a GIANT katydid leaped out of the leaves and onto me. I've never played in leaves again.

jenn said...

Christy ~ the funny thing is, she volunteered to rake just so she could jump in the pile. Gotta love being 8 years old!

jenn said...

Yummy ~ I was waiting for a bug or something to get her, but nothing did. Yet. :)

Dawn said...

That was so cute !! :)

jenn said...

Dawn ~ Thanks!

Tammy said...

She would love my house. We have tons of trees and they have millions of leafs. We make big piles of leafs. But it sure looks like she is having fun.

jenn said...

Tammy ~ we don't have any trees in our yard...this was at my mom's house. No one told her to rake...she just wanted to jump so she went out and made a pile. I net she would love your yard, too!

Crystal said...

LOL! Too fun! I use to LOVE doing this! She's getting so tall!!!!!!

jenn said...

Crystal ~ I can't believe she will be 9 in a couple of months...where did my baby go?

Kristin said...

"Ow, my Butt!"

LOL!! Too CUTE!!!