Tuesday, October 26, 2010


 Yesterday, I was at the pharmacy with Junior and the kids waiting on a prescription.  I will never understand why pharmacies make you wait so long.  If they tell you your medicine will be ready at a certain time, it should be ready at that time.  If they are busy, then they should compensate for that by giving us a later pick up time.

As we were waiting yesterday, the girls started trying on those glasses that most pharmacies have on display.  You know the ones that are a certain magnification?  I have to admit that they both looked pretty silly trying on the adult frames.  They talked me into trying some of the glasses on, too, and I was shocked when I noticed the price on them.  They were almost as expensive as prescription eyeglasses.  In fact, I know that I can buy glasses online that are cheaper than those.   Cuter ones, too.

I am hoping that the kids can make it through school without vision problems so that I don't have to worry about the cost of eyeglasses.  Ryan had slight vision issues a few years ago, but he hasn't worn his glasses in a while.  He only needed them to see the board at school, but he hated them.  So, instead of wearing them, he just sits closer to the front of the glass.  I don't care if he wears them or not, as long as he is not having issues at school.


bcmomtoo said...

I've worn glasses since grade school. I don't know exactly when I started it, but I used to carry my glasses around with me and only put them on when I wanted to see the board. I did that all the way through college.

Considering how easy it would have been to lose them, we really could have used some of those cheap online glasses. But, then again, 'online' didn't even exist back then.

Dawn said...

The ones that you are referring to are cheaper at WalMart, I think. I got two pairs of them for $15.00 and they are super cute. They are just for reading up close. The ones at the Zenni Optical are super cheap !! I wonder how good the frames and lens are!! Makes you wonder. Interesting though!

jenn said...

Anna ~ I didn't start wearing them until I was in college. By then I had to wear them all the time. My husband still doesn't need them, so I hope that is on of the things my kids take after their daddy on. (I'm not sure that last sentence made sense, but you know what I mean!)

jenn said...

Dawn ~ my friend Anna (the commenter above you) has bought a few pairs from them (Zenni), and thinks they are great.