Saturday, October 30, 2010

Healthy Eating Habits

 I have been dieting for most of my adult life.  So far, nothing has "stuck".  I can lose a little weight, but it always seems to find me again.  I am tired of doing the yo-yo thing and am looking for a way to change the way I eat for good.  I want to educate myself on making healthier choices, instead of dieting all the time.  I don't want to starve myself anymore.  I don't want to deny myself the foods I love.  I want to feel better about myself, on the inside as well as the outside.  I want to learn Healthy Eating Habits so that I can live long enough to hold my great-grandchildren.

I was browsing this site called and found Becki. She shares her story of healthy eating, and how to do so frugally. (If you sign up for the newsletter, you will get a free healthy eating guide) I think this is where I struggle the most.  It is so much cheaper to buy the bad for you foods than it is to buy the good for you ones.  For people like me, sometimes having pasta five nights a week is the only option.  Or so I thought.  If I can learn how to spend the same amount of money on better for me foods, well, I'm all for that.  I want my whole family to start eating better, because I know the example I set can mold how they look at food for the rest of their lives.

That's a pretty big responsibility, and up until now I think I might have been leading them down the wrong path.  But, I have learned that it is never too late to get on the right track.  And that is exactly what I intend to do.

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