Saturday, October 30, 2010

Keeping Track

 Tomorrow is Halloween, and there has been a lot of debate around here as to when the kids should trick or treat.  In South Carolina, most people go to church on Sunday nights, so a lot of houses will not be handing out candy that night.  In the past, this has lead to parents taking their kids out tonight instead.  This year, the media is encouraging people to go out on Sunday, but I have been hearing talk about both nights.  Confused?  Yeah, me too.

We plan on going out tomorrow night with my sister and my mom, but my girls are wanting to walk around our neighborhood tonight.  I plan on staying home, and handing out candy to anyone who comes by.  This will be the first time I let them go out alone, and if I was thinking ahead, I would have looked into gps for rent.  This sounds like a really cool idea for keeping track of your car, or in my case, your kids.  All you have to do is set up the area by charging the unit for four house, and then driving around your area for twenty minutes.   Then just put the GPS on what, or who, you want to track, and you can keep track of it.  Simply, right?

Using on of these on my girls certainly would have taken a little bit of worry off my mind tonight.

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