Wednesday, October 27, 2010

She Needs Internet!

 I hate talking on the telephone.  I always have.  If I have to make a phone call, I dread the small talk.  I just want to tell you what I have to say and be done with it.  This doesn't make me a very good friend, but I'm okay with that.  And so are my friends.

One of my favorite people in the world is just like me.  She doesn't like the phone.  The only problem is that she doesn't have internet at her house, so it makes it hard to keep in touch.  You all know that I am always sitting at this computer, trying to keep these blogs going.  Okay, so maybe there is a little Facebook thrown in too, but every working girls needs a break now and then.  Right?  RIGHT?

Anyway, the reason my friend doesn't have internet it that the cable companies don't run lines out to her house, and every time she has tried to get it through the phone, the reception is horrible because she lives in the middle of nowhere.  I was telling her the other night at Ryan's party that she needs to look into hughsnet.  They are one of those satellite internet providers,   This would be perfect for her, because even living in the middle of nowhere you can get satellite reception.  Going to the library once a week to get online just doesn't work well, and I miss talking to her.

Well, if you consider Facebook messaging and IM-ing talking.


bcmomtoo said...

I'm with you - I'd rather Facebook and IM than talk on the phone. Actually, I don't mind talking on the phone too much if someone calls me, but I just hate picking up the phone to call someone.

jenn said...

Anna ~ me, too. But only for a short period of time. I am seriously bad at small talk.