Wednesday, October 27, 2010

A Mouse In The House

Last Friday, Ryan had a friend come over early for his party.  This kid is really sweet, and he's funny.  So when we were sitting in the living room and he said he saw a mouse run from under my desk to under the bookshelf, I thought he was kidding.  He insisted that he really saw a mouse, but I didn't believe him.

Fast forward to Monday morning.  Junior calls me around 6am (which is weird) to tell me that when he was getting ready to go to work that morning, he saw a mouse in the house.  He said it was sitting on it's back legs (you know how mice sit...well, at least I see the hamsters do that pose) just staring at him.  he said he walked right up to it, and it didn't move at all.  It just stood there staring at him.

I asked if he shooed it out of the house, and he said no.  He went to work, leaving it sitting in my living room.  Am I the only one who thinks that was just plain wrong?  He justifies it by saying that the mouse looked really sweet.  Okay, whatever.  He's just lucky I haven't seen the little guy.  We went to the store Monday night to get a trap, but I want one that will catch him alive so that we can release him in the woods.  Unfortunately, those traps are more expensive than the snap traps, so we will have to wait until Friday to get one. 

Let's all just hope I don't run into the little guy before than.


Tammy said...

I thought it was funny that he just left him and went to work. Your hubby is a softy and thought the mouse was sweet. Good luck with your new little friend.

jenn said...

Tammy ~ my new little friend better not show his face while I am home alone! lol! I am not scared of mice, I just don't want to have to shoo him out of the house myself.

Dawn said...

Oh, my !! I had one dealing with a mouse. When I lived in my apartment in St. Louis by myself. He was caught in my dryer vent. He was so loud !! They set a trap and you know the rest of the story. Did you get the trap?? I hate mice !!!!

jenn said...

dawn ~ I seriously think junior imagined the whole thing. I have cleaned my entire house, and I haven't found one mouse dropping. We all know that where there are mice, there is poop. I am hoping that if he was here, he is long gone by now.