Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Early this morning, I was watching the news like I do every day while the kids are getting showered and ready for school.  Our local news is big on "teasers", and I caught a blip about an upcoming story about an 82 year former sheriff who was found dead early this morning.  They showed the building where he was found, and I recognized it. 

Now, some of you who have been reading this blog for years may remember that I used to run a produce stand for Junior's former father-in-law.  It was nothing more than a bunch of tables set up under a tent in his side yard, but he had some pretty good business.  It wasn't in the best neighborhood, and I was always nervous when I was there alone.  Right across the street from where I sat was this garage, where an old man sat trying to sell cars and all kinds of other stuff,  I don't even know how to describe it other than, maybe, collectibles.  Most days, he would walk across the street and sit with me for awhile, talking about everything and anything that was on his mind.  It made me feel safe knowing he was right across the street when I was there alone.

This is the guy who was found dead, in that garage.  And they say it is "suspicious".  Apparently, when he didn't come home last night, his family called the cops, and they went to his garage and found him dead.  So sad.  He was the sweetest man, and I can not imagine why someone would kill him, except maybe to rob him.  But, the cops aren't giving out any details.  They are just asking the community to phone in tips.

I hope they catch whoever did this, and make him (or her) pay.


Donna said...

OMG I'm SO sorry sweetie!!!

Dawn said...

Sad !!

bcmomtoo said...

Oh, that's awful!

Tammy said...

That is awful. Good thing you are not doing that anymore it sounds like that neighborhood isn't getting any better.

Kristin said...

Yes, I remember the produce stand you used to help out with.. and oh my gosh, this is a terrible story.

What a sad loss.

jenn said...

Ladies ~ I plan on writing an update a little later, but they caught the killer, which is awesome. My question is...would he have been caught so quickly if Charlie wasn't a former sheriff???

Jennie @ Modern Mamaz said...

Its such an eery feeling when something bad happens to someone you know! I had a similar situation happen to me about 2 years ago... only it was the guy (an employee of my husbands) that turned out to be the creep. In a BIG way! I'm shivering for you... Hope they catch the bastard!

Forgetfulone said...

That's so sad! I'm sorry to hear this. I hope they catch whoever did it. Keep us posted.