Monday, October 11, 2010

Walk To School Challenge

I took this picture on the first day of school back in August.  A lot of people commented about how dark it is outside.  This morning, it was even darker.  I can't wait until we fall back so that it is a little lighter outside at 6:20 am when we head to the bus stop.

Last week, Brandi came home from school all excited because October is International Walk To School month.  Unfortunately, not only the darkness, but the lack of sidewalks and winding roads will keep us from participating.  (it's also pretty far to walk to her school, even during the day)  To make up for this, last Wednesday Brandi's teacher had the kids walk the parking lot for recess.  This teacher is all about going "green" in the classroom, too.  The first day of school, every kid in Brandi's class found a reusable plastic water bottle on their desk.  It was a gift from the teacher.  She didn't want the kids bringing disposable water bottles to school.  I think this was a great idea.  It also helps to keep class disruptions to a minimum, because the kids aren't constantly getting up to use the water fountain.

The kids and I do walk to the bus stop every day, which is a pretty good trip up the block.  I wish I could walk them to school, but it's just not possible.  But if you feel safe walking your children to school, you should enter Green Works Walk To School Challenge.  It's easy to sign up.  Just visit Green Works Facebook page and "like" it, then click the Walk To School tab.  You will find the form you need to sign up your family to help your school win one of five $5000 grants.  Simply walk to school every day and record your footsteps.  The schools with the most footsteps will win the grants.

Make sure you check out all the wall posts on their Facebook page, too.  I found a bunch of tips for making my home "greener", as well as encouragement to get my family more active.  I have come to realize that there are little things we can do to get moving, and in the long run, the little things add up.  I want my family to take those little steps in the right direction, and hopefully one day soon we will be taking big steps, getting healthier.

"I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by Mom Central on behalf of Clorox Green Works and received a $30 thank-you gift certificate."


Crystal said...

Pretty cool idea. We live just right up the road from both the kids schools. I wish I could walk them to school but I have to be at work while the kids are still getting ready for school. As it is with u, it's still dark here and I don't want them walking by themselves in the dark. Call me paranoid but at least it keeps them out of trouble and out of harms way.

jenn said...

Crystal ~ I first.

Tammy said...

We live way to far out in the country for the kid's to walk to school but what a great idea. I also love the idea of each kid having their own refillable water bottle. We want to do what we can to save the plant but we can't walk to school.

jenn said...

Tammy ~ I agree that it's a great idea, but not very practical for this day and age.