Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Brandi's Birthday Party

Now that Ryan's birthday party is over, I can focus on Brandi's birthday, which is coming up the first week of December.  Usually, I only do a family party for her, because I learned with Kasi that at that age, the kids from school don't show up for birthday parties.  Thankfully, the few close friends I invite have kids her age, and she also loves having her cousins come.  

Right now, her favorite singer/actress is Selena Gomez.  We saw some Wizard's Of Waverly Place party supplies at Walmart recently, and she decided that she just has to have them.  They had plates, napkins, cups, table cloths, and even treat bags.  Next thing you know she is going to request having Selena Gomez herself at the party.  I am sure that would be just as hard as if I tried to Book Kesha for the party.

I am going to try and find a Selena Gomez pinata, too.  I know the kids loved hitting the pinata at Ryan's party, so I am sure they will enjoy doing it again.  I have already informed my mom that she has to make a Wizard's cake, and I am looking forward to what she comes up with.

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