Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I Have A New Toy, And I Love It

My son hates to read, which is weird to me because I love to read, and so do my girls, especially Brandi.  My son does love anything electronic, so when I was offered the opportunity to review Literati's eReader, my first thought was that I would be able to get Ryan to read by giving it to him.  I anxiously awaited it's arrival, certain that I had finally found a way to pass my love of reading onto my son.

Yeah, I must have been dreaming.  At first, he was excited.  He picked out which books he wanted to download (which I downloaded) and then took off to his room to start reading.  Five minutes later he came out of his room, handed it back to me, and said that reading is reading, no matter what he was reading, and he didn't want to do it.  At 15, I guess there are more important things in life.

At first I thought it was horrible that he didn't like it, but then I realized that I could keep it for myself.  And I love it!  My sister has had an eReader for a while now, and she loves it.  A few months ago she tried to talk me into buying one, but I resisted, because I love the feel of a book in my hand.  I love the smell, and turning the pages.

Now, I love that I can carry my Literati and have a ton of books at my fingertips.  I can read at night without turning on the light in the bedroom and at the bus stop in the morning when it is still dark, thanks to the 7" back lit color LCD screen. I can even adjust the brightness of the screen.

I can download books so easily, too, thanks to the built in connection to KOBO (which is a global eReading service with almost 2 million titles).  My eReader came with 25 classic books already on it, with the ability to download another 125 for free. Turning the page is easy with the touch pads on the side of the reader, and whatever page you stop reading  is the page that comes up the next time you turn the device on. 

I really do love my Literati eReader.  I would recommend it to anyone who loves to read.

I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by Mom Central on behalf of The Sharper Image and received a Literati eReader to facilitate my review.


bcmomtoo said...

I love to read, and my son loves to read, but my daughter 'hates' it. I'm always trying to find something that interests her - because she will read if she finds something she likes. So far that's the Harry Potter books, most anything by James Patterson, and the Twilight books - but at least that's something.

So, I think the key is to find something Ryan is interested in, and then he'll read it. Unfortunately, some people just never develop a love for reading. Really hard to understand, huh?

jenn said...

Anna ~ I wish it was that easy. I have agreed to buy him any book that interests him, but he never finishes any of them. He has been asking to read some of my Stephen King/Dean Koontz books, but I just don't think he's old enough. But now that I'm thinking about it, I bet I was his age when I read my first Dean Koontz book. Maybe I should just let him try one...I guess the worst that could happen is that he enjoys it, lol!

Tammy said...

I love to read too but my kid's not so much. I didn't like to read when I was a kid so I hope when they get older they will love it as much as I do. Love the new toy looks like fun.

jenn said...

Tammy ~ I really think it is a boy thing. My girls love to read, but it's like pulling teeth to get Ryan to even look at a book...but put a computer in front of him, and he's all over it. That's why i thought he would love this.