Sunday, November 14, 2010

My Wisdom Teeth

 I think I am going to have to break down and go to the dentist.  I haven't been in many years, which I know is a bad thing, but I have this fear, and well, I have no desire to torture myself.  However, I have this wisdom tooth that has been bothering me for a while now, and it is finally time to do something about it.

I went online to find a dentist in my area who sounded good, and I didn't find any.  I know, I am probably way too picky, but I want a dentist who will not look down on me because of my lack of dental care in recent years. I also want a dentist who isn't too stingy with the "sweet air". 

I am not sure what types of dental services I'm going to need, but I am pretty sure that they will be pulling my wisdom teeth.  Even though only one of them is bothering me, the rest are having a hard time coming in, so I am not going to be surprised when they want to pull all four.

Who knows.  Maybe a little dental surgery will help me get past this weight loss hump.  That's a pretty nice silver lining, right?  Right?


Jennie @ Modern Mamaz said...

I had my wisdom teeth out last year. I didn't have any "sweet air" but not because I didn't want any! Sophie was breastfeeding and I didn't figure she would have appreciated it as much as I would! So, he numbed be up real good (seriously, REAL good) and yanked them out. I spent a lot of years scared to death of having it done with all of the horror stories you hear... but I'm not kidding you it was NO BIG DEAL! Even without the gas. Once I was numb, the whole procedure took like 10 minutes (I had 3). I hardly bled after and there was very minimal pain. Don't fret it... you'll seriously work yourself over nothing! Good luck!

Kristin said...

I had my wisdom teeth out when I was 19.. wasn't bad.. looked a little chipmunkey for a day, but that's about it.

I would rather do anything else than go to the dentist. well..almost anything else, lol.

Crystal said...

Oh girl, I still have a 4 of mine...the bottom ones are impacted too. I'm a sissy, I can't lie. And i'm not getting them out until I HAVE to...can't make me neither!!!! And it's so sad me working as a dental assistant for a!

Tammy said...

You had babies you can do the dentist with NO problems. Just do it. I'm sure it would help if you could find a dentist that you like.

jenn said...

Jennie ~ I think you are the first person to tell me it's no big deal...everyone else I talk to says they had horrible pain and swelling...I think I like your opinion better than theirs :)

jenn said...

Kristin ~ I wish I had mine pulled when my parents still had to pay for it :)

jenn said...

Crystal ~ I feel the same way! I have written posts about the pain when it flairs up, and I always say as soon as I finished the antibiotics I would have it pulled...but then it feels better so why inflict that on myself? Ya know? lol!

jenn said...

Tammy ~ they numbed me up and cut those babies out...which is pretty much what the dentist would do, only i wouldn't get the three "vacation" days in the hospital where everyone waits on me hand and foot. :)