Monday, November 1, 2010

A New Headboard

We recently rearranged our bedroom.  Well, when I say "we", I actually mean me and the girls.  I want to move the dresser away from the window, and put the bed in it's place.  Having the furniture this way makes the room seem a lot bigger, and it has better flow.  The only problem is that my bed doesn't have a headboard, which makes it impossible to sit in bed and read.  If I do, I am leaning against the window, which is in no way comfortable.  All the furniture in my bedroom matches, so I thought finding a headboard to match would be difficult.  Until I found this one:

You all know how much I love CSNStores, so that was the first place I looked for a new headboard.  I was looking at upholstered headboards and I think the one in the picture will look awesome in my bedroom.  I love the black fabric, and it looks like it is cushioned really well, which is perfect for leaning against while reading.  All I have to do now is convince Junior to buy it for me.

I also want to mention that I am going to be doing a giveaway for CSNStores soon.  A really good giveaway.  Like, the prize will be a gift certificate for more than $100.  You're excited, right?  Me, too!  The timing will be perfect...just in time to do some Christmas shopping.  Just remember to keep checking back.  This is one giveaway you will want to enter!


Tammy said...

I like it! I think you could even make it if you wanted. At least they make it look easy on those shows on HGTV.

Dawn said...

I love CSN stores !! :) I will be ready to enter !! :)

jenn said...

Tammy ~ Junior suggested we try, too, when I told him the price. lol!

jenn said...

Dawn ~ it's going to be an awesome giveaway!