Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Dreams Of Warmer Weather

We woke up yesterday morning to snowfall.  By early afternoon, we had a little over five inches of the white stuff covering everything in sight.  The kids couldn't wait to get outside to play in it.  I, on the other hand, being from New York and sick as a dog, didn't want to leave the warmth of my computer chair.  But, being the awesome mom I am, I bundled everyone up and we headed out for about thirty minutes of fun.

After coming back inside and thawing out, I started looking forward to summer.  I long for warm weather and lounging in the pool.  I miss the time we were spending at my mom's house, cooking out and spending time together, eating hot dogs and hamburgers while sitting on brightly colored patio cushions.  

I know I have several months before the hot weather will make an appearance again.  Living in South Carolina, I am sure it will be warm again by next week, and all the snow will melt away.  For now though, I am going to sit here and imagine that the bathrobe keeping me warm is a towel that I just wrapped around myself after getting out of the pool.


StaceyC4 said...

We never really got an snow - just a dusting - but lots of ice. That's worse. We are essentially stranded at home. Good thing I was prepared for it!!

Images of sun and sand dancing through my head, too!

jenn said...

Stacey ~ we are in the same boat this morning, and it looks like it will be mostly the same tomorrow.

Trish said...

I'd like to get off this boat, unless you can change it into a Yacht with a warm pool and hot tub. With Pauls truck I could get out...but not sure I wanna leave little man. Can we petition for 68-78* weather year round?

jenn said...

Trish ~ absolutely! We just need to throw in a couple of days of swimming weather!

Jennie @ Modern Mamaz said...

I love the snow... until Christmas. Then, I go into hybernation mode and would rather not wake up until April.

jenn said...

Jennie ~ at least this year you have that beautiful new baby to keep you company.

Trish said...

dont need swimming 'days' were gonna build a indoor pool. Gotta put Olin to work on something ;) Heated of course ;)

Vixen said...

I would say I am jealous of your snow....but really? Not much, ha ha ha.

jenn said...

trish ~ that's an awesome idea!

jenn said...

Vixen ~ oh come on now, you know you want to be all wet and cold from building snowmen and having snowball fights! lol!

Tammy said...

It looks like you live up here my me. It has been snowing here today we are going to get about 3 inches. No big deal here. I hope the sun is out for you soon and I'm going to dream about the pool too.

jenn said...

Tammy ~ we are supposed to start thawing out sometime towards the end of the week...I'll be surprised if the kids have school at all this week.

YummY! said...

I could go for some snow, but only becasue we never get it down here, and when we do its never enough to really play in.

jenn said...

Yummy ~ this is a rare treat for the kids, especially since it is sticking around. Usually when it snows, it lasts less than a day.

Jennie @ Modern Mamaz said...

Yeah, I do! Don't forget the other two that are fighting for lap space!! Sophie hauled off and smacked baby Ruby on the head yesterday - gonna be a long winter! Can't wait to be able to walk down the park and let 'em loose!

jenn said...

Jennie ~ my oldest two are 18 months apart, and the first day I brought Kasi home, Ryan walked over to the swing she was in and smacked her in the face. Let's just say it was a while before I left her anywhere near him unsupervised! lol!