Saturday, January 15, 2011

I Hate When People Who Aren't Handicapped Park In Handicapped Parking Spaces

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of NMEDA. All opinions are 100% mine.

The other day, we ventured out in the snow to help out a friend.  Once we got his car unstuck, we headed to the grocery store.  We found a spot pretty close to the front of the parking lot since there weren't many people out shopping.  As we were getting out, we watched a car park in a handicapped spot.  The person who got out ran into the store to avoid getting covered in the falling snow.  There was no handicapped sticker on his car, and it ticked me off.  Who is he to take the spot of someone who might actually need it?

My mom has a handicapped sticker for her car because of her fibromyalgia.  Sure, she can walk by herself and maybe to other people she doesn't look like she needs the sticker, but she has it, and she only uses it when there are no regular spots close to the front. 

I know some of my readers also suffer from this disease, and it is not fun.  My mom is in pain a lot of the time, and when she over does things, not even her medications can take away all the pain.  I have read articles about people who end up in wheelchairs because their legs hurt too bad to walk.  I pray all the time that my mom does not end up that way.  If she does, my sister and I may have to turn to a NMEDA dealer to find a way for her to still be mobile outside of her home.  These dealers specialize in customizing your vehicle to your specific handicapped needs.  In fact, we would make sure we dealt with a QAP (Quality Assurance Program) dealer, because they must meet the highest standards in the industry.  It may be cheaper to buy a vehicle that is already equipped with wheelchair access, but it seems safer, in my opinion, to have a vehicle made especially for your needs. 

I am hoping that we will never have to find out.  I am hoping that my mom continues to to be mobile, and hopefully someday, she will find a way to be pain free.

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Trish said...

You found one of my pet peeves. With a handicap son (who currently does NOT have a place card) it tees me off to no end people using those spots. Gotta share this one with Friends on FB :)

TiLT said...

I had a friend who carried slips of paper she put under the windshield of those who park in handicap spaces without the stickers/ was perfectly snarky without going too far. It's a big peeve of mine too, even before I temporarily needed one.

Tammy said...

I find this very upsetting too. My father in-law had a sticker and he wouldn't even use it most of the time. Only if he was in pain and couldn't walk far. Those spots are there for a reason and not for someone who doesn't need it. You did a very nice post for the NMEDA. Good job.

jenn said...

Trish ~ why doesn't Jacob have one? I would think he would qualify.

jenn said...

Tilt ~ I really like that idea!

jenn said...

Tammy ~ my mom doesn't look like she should need the sticker, because by looking at her, you can't see her pain. She actually had someone say something to her one time about using a handicapped space, even though she had a sticker, so I try not to judge. BUT, when you are the only one in the car, you don't have a sticker, and you RUN into the store, yeah, I don't think you need to be parked there.

Trish said...

He does qualify especially since I have to file with him as "disabled" on taxes this year. It's more of a "mommy denial" he's 6...he shouldn't NEED it. Right now it's not a huge issue, i'd rather leave the spots for adults. *IF* I cant get the new stroller next year when he outgrows this one, I will go after a tag, cause I cant walk though a parking lot with him. If he's in the stroller he's safe.

YummY! said...

I made my husband park in a handicapped spot once when I was about 8.5 months pregnant and didn't have it in me to waddle all the way across the parking lot. Otherwise I don't mind at all walking a few more feet.

My FIL and MIL both have medical problems, so they have an excuse. Except for most people to LOOK at my MIL walking woudln't think she deserved to park in a handicapped spot because you can't SEE how bad it hurts her sometimes. I'll always run and grab her a shopping cart to lean on.

jenn said...

Trish ~ you're right, it's his safety that matters, and I get nervous with Brandi in parking lots, and she's nine! lol! I still make her hold either mine of Bob's hand.

jenn said...

Yummy ~ your husband should have dropped you at the door and then parked in a regular spot...that's what my husband used to, a lot of stores now have special parking for expectant and new me, there is never a reason to park in one...I'm sorry, but unless you have a sticker, you shouldn't ever use those spots. Seriously, this is like one of my biggest pet peeves.

Forgetfulone said...

My mom has a handicapped sticker, too, due to her RA, cancer, etc. I wish people would get tickets for doing that.

jenn said...

Diana ~ I wish there was a special website or something where you can upload pictures of violators in these spots showing their license plates...where they can be checked out, and if they don't have a valid sticker they are sent a ticket.