Friday, January 7, 2011

Ryan's Struggling

I never struggled with my grades in school.  There were a couple of subjects that I did okay in, but for the most part, my averages were pretty good.  In fact, if I remember correctly, I placed about 350 in a class of 1200, which isn't bad at all. 

My son is having a really hard time this year.  I just saw his grades for the first semester, and he failed history by one point.  This kills me!  Some of you know how he was struggling with math, and he was able to bring that grade up to passing, which I am proud of.  I think his issue is that when he is focusing on bringing up one grade, he lets the others slip.  I need to help him find a way to do well in every class, and I don't know how to do that.  He already goes to tutoring before and after school.  I told Junior we might need to look into having a tutor come to the house a couple of days a week to work with him, but I have no idea how to even find one.  Maybe I'll email one, or all, of his teachers.

I sat and talked with Ryan last night, and he was pretty upset, which tells me that he isn't just slacking off.  Next year, he wants to go to the technical school, and start working towards his mechanics degree.  I am all for this, but I am afraid he won't be accepted into the program because of his grades.  I know he will be disappointed if this happens.  He wants so badly to have a mechanical engineering career and going to the technical school is the first step in making that happen.  Junior says they will let him in regardless of his grades, but I'm not too sure.  Besides, if he is struggling now, I think he needs more time in the classroom, not under the hood of a car.  But, if this is what he wants to do with his life, who am I to say he can't take advantage of this opportunity?  I'm so confused.  It's just so hard for me to understand why he isn't doing well, since I have never been in that situation.

Any advice for me?


Dawn said...

I don't know what grade he is in, I forget, but my last year in high school, I went to school part time and was in office careers and part of the program was to work in an office the other half of the day. What great experience for us. We got paid and everything. Most of us kept the job after high school, but I went onto college. I got my AAS as a legal secretary. I hope it all works out for him !!

StaceyC4 said...

I would talk to his teachers about finding a tutor to come to the house. I know it stinks because that just makes his school day endless. Good luck!

Trish said...

What is he working on in history....

I have emailed with all of Caitlynn's teachers and it's been a great resource. I've also been able to view her grades online, check with their school's (even Brandi's) you may be able to also.

Tammy said...

I would say keep talking to the teachers. Maybe they have some idea's. Its really hard when you want to help but don't know how.

jenn said...

Dawn ~ this program he wants to get into will really line him up to get into college for mechanics....I just want him to keep his regular grades up first.

jenn said...

Stacey ~ I have already had a conference with his math teacher, and she put him into after and before school tutoring twice a week. His history teacher is useless, and insists there is no tutoring available for his class. I have thought about an at home tutor, abd will be looking into that once the kids are back in school.

jenn said...

Trish ~ I have access to his grades...that's how I know he's failing. His history teacher is useless. I asked for help for Ryan, and he blew me off, saying they don't offer tutoring for his class.

jenn said...

Tammy ~ it's so hard for me to understand, because I always did great in school. I am going to email his teachers and see what they have to say, which up to this point has been useless.

Forgetfulone said...

Do you have a way to check his grades online? Have you received any communication from the teacher? And do you receive progress reports every few weeks? Is he using a planner/calendar? I know I'm asking lots of questions, but I'd like to try to help if I can. My son is going to be struggling the next few weeks because he's been out all week with the flu. Email me if you want to talk.