Friday, February 4, 2011

It's My Birthday

How cute is my cake?  My dad's wife made it for me...she makes me some sort of elephant cake every year. 

I am 39 today.  Wow.  When did this happen?  I don't feel almost 40.  I don't think I look almost 40 either. 

Anyway, leave me some love today, kay?


Ruth said...

Happy Birthday! I'm 40 and I don't feel it either, sometimes I feel like "I can't be middle aged yet" and other times I'm like "OMG I'm OLD!!!"

Barbara Montag said...

That's a neat cake!
Happy Birthday - Enjoy your special day!
I'm 59 and feel a lot younger.

joy said...

Happy Birthday! Enjoy your special day!

Sparkle said...

Happy birthday! I hope you get lots of treats and cat toys for your birthday... or whatever it is that humans like on your special day! ;-)

the diary said...

Happy Birthday Jenn... wish you all the best... :)

Wiggy said...

Happy birthday. I't'll soon be mine too! Hope you have a great day

Trish said...

Have a Wonderful Birthday!!!

Lainy said...

Have a blessed birthday, Jenn! Whatever it is that you are wishing for, you are wished all that and a whole lot more!


Tammy said...

Happy Birthday to you :)
You sure do not look like you are 39. You look great. Love you cake. Have a wonderful day.

Miranda said...

Happy Birthday!!!

Karen said...

Happy Birthday! Today is my sister's birthday also!

Da Dude said...

Happy Birthday!

Didn't anybody tell you? 40 is the new 21! Wait until you get as old as me. You won't even remember 40. LOL

Hugs & Kisses for your birthday.


Lidian said...

Happy birthday! That is a really cool cake :)

carol said...

Happy birthday from Elma, Washington! Thanks for your ad!

Silvergirl said...

Happy birthday, More blessings to come and hope you will have a great day.

Tara Beaulieu said...

Awww, what a cute cake! Happy Birthday, hope you had a wonderful day! :)