Thursday, September 1, 2011

Another Baby To Love

This coming December, I am going to be an aunt for the fifteenth time.  This niece will join my nine nephews and five other nieces in my heart.  I love all of them, and wish more of them lived closer.  I get to see one niece and nephew all the time, but the rest live pretty far away, and I don't get to see them as often as I would like.

When we all do get together, I am reminded why I love that my kids are older, especially when the little ones start getting cranky.  Don't get me wrong, my kids can get cranky.  The difference is, they are old enough where I can tell them to stop, and they know they better listen or they will be in serious trouble.  Gone are my days of dealing with cranky kids who can't communicate what is bothering them.  I don't have to worry about things like nib and well visits to the doctor.  I don't have to go online with questions that Dr Ginni could answer.   I can sleep in on the weekends, because my kids are old enough to get up on their own.

I may not miss my baby days, but I love babies.  I love the way they smell, and the way they cuddle up to you.  I can't wait until I can hold and cuddle my newest little niece in December.


Donna said...

15th?? WOW! Congratulations!!

jenn said...

Miss Donna ~ I am so excited! I just love babies, especially ones that don't belong to me! lol!