Sunday, September 4, 2011

Getting Older

It's going to happen to all of us.  Hopefully, by the time I get older, my kids will be responsible adults living happy fulfilling lives.  I want to be sure that when the time comes, one of them will take care of me and not leave me lying in a nursing home somewhere.  I know there are very good nursing homes out there, but I would rather be with people who love me and not strangers who are being paid to take care of me.

I am sure that if I get to the point where I need some type of daily care, my kids can find a service like NJ senior care.  When I think about home health care, the television show Frasier always comes to mind.  I love that show!  I wish they would put it on Netfix.  I love Niles.  He seriously makes the show funny.  There was one episode where he is ironing his pants and he cuts his finger with a pair of scissors.  Every time he would see the blood he would faint.  It's hysterical.

Anyway, having the option of having a nurse come into the home can make taking care of on older relative easier. New Jersey elder care can provide part time, full time, and even live in care.  To me, this sounds like a better option than a nursing home.

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