Sunday, September 4, 2011

A Lazy Weekend

I am enjoying a nice, quiet, kid free three day weekend.  I have learned how to really appreciate extra days off from work, especially since they don't come around very often.  On a normal week, by this time, I am already stressing about the start of another work week.  Today, I am sitting on the couch, watching Mercy on Netflix, and being lazy.

Yesterday, I went to some yard sales with a friend, and we had a ball!  I bought a couple of things, one of which is a stocking stuffer for my mom.  Yes, that's right.  I bought my first Christmas gift of the year.  I'm really hoping that sometime between now and Christmas, I can find the money to buy everyone a gift.

I always have the hardest time figuring out what to get the people who I don't know well, but I feel I should give a gift to.  Sometimes a fine wine is perfect, but not everyone drinks.  It would be pretty embarrassing to pick out wine gifts for someone who has never had a drink before. I know some people keep a supply of generic gifts in the closet for those "drop by" guests around the holidays, and I am sure there is a bottle or two of wine in most of them. 

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