Monday, September 19, 2011


 A few weeks ago, I went to some yard sales with a friend of mine.  I had been a long time since we had hung out, and I had forgotten how much fun she is to be around.  At one point, she climbed inside an inflatable ball and two guys rolled her down a hill.  I can't remember the last time I laughed so hard.

She is getting married soon, and her fiance has cows.  Being from New York, I really don't know much about cows, so I was asking a lot of question.  My main question was whether or not they killed and ate the cows. She said they don't, but they do sell them at cattle auctions, and the people who buy them do.  I was curious how much they make per cow, and she said it depends on how much they weigh.  They use cattle scales to weigh them, and then sell them to the highest bidder, I guess.  I'm not really sure, but she said they sold one cow for almost two grand last year.

That's a lot of money for a cow.  It kind of makes me want to get some cows of my own.  Not to eat, but to raise and sell.  Or maybe to eat.  Hamburgers are good.  And so are steaks. 

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