Monday, September 19, 2011

Getting To My Goal Weight

For most of my life I have been overweight.  I think there was a time when I was about two years old when I was thin, but that's about it.  I have recently lost almost one hundred pounds (yeah, I know, go me!) and it was hard.  What's even harder is losing these last forty or so pounds that I still want to lose.  I know that if I would start exercising again with the wii fit the weight would come off, but after working all day, I just don't have the energy.

When I first started working, I lost a few pounds.  After being a stay at home mom for many years, actually moving every day was doing wonders for my body.  There was a time when I considered taking diet pills, but I have always been afraid of the effect they would have on me.  You see, I have a horrible time with any type of medication.   Even tylenol pm can make me sleep for days.  So, for me personally, the weight comes off with exercise and hard work.  I have been saying since my husband left that I am looking forward to turning 40 in February, and I was going to do it at my goal weight.

I guess I need to get motivated.

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