Saturday, September 10, 2011

That's Mine!

I love going to the zoo.  You all know the elephants are my favorite, but I also love the birds.  They have this huge cage that you can go into with a little cup of nectar and feed the birds.  It's pretty awesome!  The birds will land on you and drink up.  Sometimes, they like to fight over who gets to drink more.  I snapped the picture above right as two birds were fighting over my cup.  The one below is pretty awesome, too, because not only did I catch a bird landing on my arm, but you can see the way the other birds are ticked off that he is trying to get their nectar.


simply pochi said...

they're so sweet! :)

jenn said...

simply pochi ~ they are beautiful!

Whiney Momma said...

So pretty! Cool that you got to hold them!

jenn said...

whiney momma ~ it is my favorite thing to do at this zoo...except when they poop on us. That sucks.