Thursday, September 15, 2011

Visiting The FSU Indoor Practice Facility

My son has recently shown an interest in football, which is pretty funny to me since he is almost 16 and never showed an ounce of interest in sports before.   My sister always says he should play football because of his size, but his interest is in watching it.  Specifically, high school football.

Down here in the south, Friday night games are a big deal.  Restaurants stay open late to feed the hungry crowds after games, and rivalries are fierce.  Since my kids changed school districts this year, they are rooting for a new team.  Or so I thought.  Ryan informed me that he wants to go to a game between his new high school and his old high school, and root for his old team.


Some of these athletes have real talent for the game, and they go on to play college football.  Now, I do not claim to know the first thing about any sport, but I do know that college football is almost as popular as regular football.  Places like Tallahassee are taking school ball seriously, and have the FSU Indoor Practice Facility for their players to practice in.   These poor high school kids have to practice outdoors no matter what the weather is, but colleges take their football playing seriously, and having indoor practice facilities makes it easier for the players to practice, no matter what the weather.  I know Ryan would love to visit the one in Florida.  My dad has been talking about taking him to an open practice for our local football team, and he seems excited about it.

Now if we could just talk him into playing.  I am sure that would help him drop this weight the doctor wants him to loose really quickly. Plus, it will give him something to do besides sit in his room on his computer all day long.  

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