Saturday, October 1, 2011


 I love food.  I love eating it and preparing it, especially when I do it with the kids.  It's fun to teach them things and then see them do them on their own.  Of course, there are still tons of things that I, myself, do not know how to do.  When we had cable, I used to watch the food channels all the time.  I loved watching the chefs take the simplest of ingredients and make a beautiful meal out of them.

We eat a lot of chicken in my house, not only because it is good for us, but because we all love it.  I have a couple of different ways I prepare it, and the kids favorites are my Parmesan crusted chicken fillets and my barbecue chicken with pineapples.  Both are pretty simple to make, and don't take very long to cook.

On the weekends, I like to put a little effort into what I make, and I am always looking online for Free Recipes.  Presentation wise, my food never comes out looking like the pictures, but it tastes good, most of the time.  Ryan has shown an interest in cooking, and during the summer, he used to cook lunch for the girls every day.  Some days it was mac and cheese with peas and tuna (a personal favorite of theirs) and other days it was burgers and fries.  If he wasn't so set on becoming a mechanic when he graduates from college I would definitely suggest culinary school to him.  

For now, though, I'll stick to trying new recipes while he checks the oil in my car.  That is, if I remember to ask him to.

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