Saturday, October 1, 2011

Making It Special

Today is October first.  That means Christmas is less than three months away.  It also means that three months from today we will welcome in 2012. Where has this year gone? For me, personally, 2011 has been a year of many firsts.  I don't want to get into all of that again, but my loyal readers know all about it.  I am looking forward to what 2012 will bring.  My 40th birthday and my divorce.  What an awesome present to give to myself, right?

But first, I must find a way to get through Christmas.  Other than an xbox, the kids really haven't asked for anything specific.  They are too old for toys, though I'm pretty sure Santa will bring the game Sorry.  We used to have it, and it was my favorite game to play with Brandi.  But, during the move, the cards that went with it were lost, and there was really no way to play without them, so we threw the game away. 

I am thinking about getting both of my girls some personalized stationery.  I know most of you are thinking that with facebook and email, who even writes letters anymore.  I think that hand written letters of thanks and even just little notes to let someone know you are thinking about them are awesome, and I want to teach my girls that.  Growing up, I used to have several pen pals.  I remember going with my grandparents to Christian retreat and making some wonderful friends.  I kept in touch with several of them for years simply by writing letters back and forth with them. 

I am open to any other ideas for unique gifts, so if you have any, please share.  I want to make this first Christmas of it being just the four of us at home a special one, with special gifts.

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