Saturday, October 1, 2011

Name Labels

I spend a small fortune on school supplies every year.  I always assumed that what I sent to school with them would be used by them.  I found out last year that this is not the case with certain things.   Take pencils, for instance.  Last year, Brandi wanted Wizards Of Waverly Place pencils, and even though they were more expensive than the "regular" yellow No. 2 pencils, I bought them for her.  She was so excited to bring them to school the first day. 

Well, imagine how disappointed she was when she got there and discovered that she had to put her pencils in a bin with all the other kids pencils, and that they would be shared by everyone.  Now, I was a little ticked off by this, too, simply because had I known they were doing this, I would have bought the generic, 24 for a dollar pencils. 

This year, since she is in a higher grade and the kids change classes, she doesn't have to share her supplies.  Her obsession this year is Victorious, and she went to school the first day with  Victorious backpack, notebooks, folders, and all kinds of other things.  We couldn't find Victorious pencils, but she did want mechanical ones this year, so her Daddy bought her s couple.  I wanted to find a way to put her name on them, and came across kids labels that are made specifically for pencils.  I designed hers in a bright pink, and hopefully I'll have enough extra cash soon to actually buy them.  This is what they will look like:

 I will ad our last name before completing the order, that way she is sure to get them back if she looses any. You can also buy labels to go one water bottles and clothing, as well as shoes and notebooks.  I may order some different kinds to stick in her stocking for Christmas.  Who knows what she'd end up labeling as her own!

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