Saturday, October 1, 2011


I was married for fifteen years.  (technically I am still married, but that will change soon enough) In those fifteen years, the only piece of "real" jewelry my husband ever gave me, besides my wedding ring set, was a pair of pearl earrings.  They were a Christmas gift one year, and I remember opening them, thinking I would never have anywhere to wear them.  Several weeks later, I put them in to go somewhere, and never took the out.  They were beautiful, and I loved wearing them.  Then one day at work, one fell out somewhere.  I worked fast food, and my boss was worried it had made it's way into someone's burger.  It was actually pretty funny watching her freak out a little.  But, there was never a complaint, so we all assumed it fell out and was swept up with the crumb on the floor.

Those weren't my first pearls, though.  When I was about 18 or so, a very good friend of mine got married.  She asked me to be one of her bridesmaids, and as a gift to each of us, she bought pearl necklaces for us to wear on her special day.  I still have those pearls, too.  Kasi is actually going to wear them when she has a chorus concert, as each girl is required to wear a pearl necklace. 

I think pearl pendants and pearl bracelets make excellent gifts.  As I just said, both of my memories of pearls were started by someone giving them to me as gifts.   I want to be the one to give both of my daughters their first pearls, so I did a little research, and found several pearl jewelry sets.  As soon as I found these pink pearls, I thought of Brandi.  Aren't they beautiful?
Of course, she is a little young for them right now, but when she gets a little older, I hope to be able to get them for her.

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