Saturday, October 1, 2011


 I have always wanted to visit Hawaii.  The one thing holding me back, besides the money factor, is how I would get there.  You see, there's not enough money or medication in the world that would get me on an airplane.  I have never had the desire to get on an airplane.  In fact, the thought of having to fly terrifies me.  So, in order for me to get to Hawaii, they would need to build a bridge I could drive over.

Sure, I could probably find a cruise ship that goes from somewhere in the continental US to Hawaii, but I'm not sure how well I would good I would do on a ship in the middle of the ocean.  I like boats well enough, as long as there is land within sight.  But I have a feeling that as soon as land disappeared, I'd have some sort of panic attack.  I would probably end up getting there and then have to check out Hawaii real estate to find somewhere to live permanently, because I would have no way of getting back home.

But, living in  place this beautiful would be worth it:
 The thought of getting up every morning an putting my feet in the crystal clear water would be a dream come true.

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