Wednesday, October 26, 2011

It's Almost Time

I can not tell you how excited I am that it is almost time to decorate my house for Christmas.  If you have read this blog for any amount of time, you know that at the Holidays, I tend to go overboard.  This year, since it is the first Christmas it will be just the kids and I, I want to do it up big.  I was in the dollar store the other day and I found the cutest Christmas Tree magnet set to put on my car.  It has several pieces, and trust me, when I put it on my car I will take a picture to show you how adorable it looks.

I am also searching for more decorations for my house, because while I do have a bunch, I kind of want to avoid using the stuff that will remind the kids of their dad.  I want this to be a special time for them, not a stressful one.  I found these Christmas Designs that you can put on the wall of your home, and I fell in love with these red balls.

I have the perfect place for them to go, too.  I also want to find some of those decorations that go on your door jams.  Do you know what I am talking about?  This is the first place I have lived where I would be able to use something like that.

What special decorations do you have for your home?

1 comment:

Catch My Words said...

I have a blue and silver lady with loads of shopping bags saying, "Oy vey, it's Christmas."
