Friday, October 14, 2011


I have the best neighbors.  I have never before lived in a place where I feel comfortable leaving Brandi home, running the neighborhood, with my neighbor agreeing to keep an eye on her.  I do the same thing for her daughter, too.  A couple of weeks ago, I was sitting outside after a particularly bad day, and she came upstairs with wine coolers, and we sat, drank, and talked for a while.  She's pretty awesome.

Last night, I was outside smoking, and she came upstairs with a bunch of free movie codes for me to use at one of those boxes outside of the grocery store.  She said her and her husband rent a different movie every night because like us, they don't have cable.  I love movies, so this was great.  My problem with movies, though, is that I like to buy them so I can watch them over and over again.  Because quite honestly, most times you can buy the movie cheaper than if you went to see it in the theater.  The last time I went to the movies, I took Ryan, Kasi, and one of Kasi's friends and spent almost $90 by the time we bought popcorn, drinks and tickets.  You can find all kinds of cheap bluray movies and DVD's online if you know where to look.  You can also buy microwave popcorn for way cheaper than at the theater, and honestly, it tastes a lot fresher, too.  Movie popcorn always tastes kind of stale to me.

So give me a movie, my couch, a diet pepsi, and a bag of microwave popcorn over a trip to the theater any day.  Plus, when watching a movie at home, you can pause it for potty breaks.  And if you know me at all, you know I need lots of potty breaks.

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