Friday, October 14, 2011

Me + 3 KIds = Too Much Laundry!

I am trying to figure out how four people can make so much laundry!  I spend most of my life doing one or more of the following things: washing clothes, drying clothes, folding clothes, hanging clothes up, and putting clothes away.  It's a never ending cycle.  I know part of it is my fault, because I don't believe in wearing clothes or using towels more than once.  You don't have to yell at me.  I know that jeans and towels can be used more than once before being washed, but it's one of my "things".  When I put something on, I want it to be fresh.  When I dry my body, I don't want to think about the last body part I dried the time before. 

I probably wouldn't spend so much time doing laundry if I had a newer washer and dryer.  My washer is pretty standard, and can do a super sized load, but my dryer is a piece of garbage.  I have to run it twice to dry one load of laundry, which in turn hikes up my power bill.  I'm thinking that when February comes around and I have some money I should invest in a new washer and dryer.  My mom has the front loaders, and she loves them.  I may not get that fancy, but I have to do something.

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