Saturday, October 8, 2011

New Clothes

The time has almost come to break out my warmer winter clothes and pack away the shorts and flip flops.  This makes me kind of sad, because I love my flip flops and sandals. I hate the thought of putting on socks and sneakers every day.  On the plus side, though, I will no longer have to shave my legs every day.  Now that my husband is gone, I can go weeks without shaving now if I want to.  I mean, who is going to be seeing my legs anyway if I have jeans on all the time?

At the end of Winter last year I bought some new plus size womens clothing that were on clearance for one dollar each.  I bought a size smaller than I was wearing then, hoping I would lose enough weight before this Winter began to fit into them.  Last week, I tried them on, and they all fit perfectly.  I was so excited!  I still need to get a few pairs of jeans, and I'm hoping I'll be a size smaller in the waist, too.  I was a little worried they wouldn't fit, because my weight has been holding steady for a few months now.  But when I think about it, I am about 60 pounds lighter now than I was last winter.

If I could just lose these last 50 or so pounds that are still hanging around...

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