Saturday, October 8, 2011


I grew up in New York.  I don't remember us ever doing without anything, but I do know we weren't rich by any means. There were five of us kids, and while we may have worn hand me downs, they were always clean and in good condition.  One of the only things that really sticks in my mind that we never did was take a trip to Disney.

I remember every December the talk would start.  The kids that were doing Disney over Christmas vacation would start talking about all the things they would do while they walked the Magic Kingdom.  It made those of us not going a little jealous, but that's life.  I did finally end up going when I was in my early twenties, and I think I enjoyed it more then than I ever would have as a kid.  Sure, back then it would have been magical and fun, but as an adult, I was able to appreciate the beauty of it, if that makes any kind of sense.  My favorite was the haunted house, though I don't remember the "real" name.  I was blown away by the reality of the ghosts.  It was awesome.

I hope one day I can take my kids to Disney.  I wouldn't have to stay at a Disney hotel Orlando because I actually have family close to Disney that I could stay with. My kids are old enough now, I think, to enjoy it more.  Now to just find the money to get there.

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