Sunday, October 2, 2011

Parental Support

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of UPromise for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

As a parent, my kids are the most important people in my world.  I would do anything for them.  It still amazes me how much I love them.  I mean, I never knew how it felt to KNOW that I would die for someone, but I would.  In a second.  For any and all of them.  I would also do anything and everything in my power to help them become whoever they are meant to be. 

My parents have always been supportive of me and the decisions I have made in my life, but honestly, I have never needed them more than I have these past few months.  When my husband left me, I didn't have a job, or a drivers license, or any clue as to how I was going to support myself, let alone my kids.  But with their help, I am standing on my own two feet, making it on my own. I know I wouldn't be here, right now, without them.

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If your parents are as awesome as mine, you should your story on the dream wall for a chance to win some serious cash.  You can go to and participate in the sweepstakes by submitting a story, and you can vote for your favorite stories by “liking” them. Upromise will give away $1,000 to 10 winners and a grand prize winner for $10,000 will be selected from the participants as well.  Like I said, that is some serious cash.  Make sure you check out the dream wall official rules so you can qualify to win.

Visit Sponsor's Site

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