Saturday, October 29, 2011

Time For Heat

The beginning of this week, the weather here in South Carolina was beautiful.  Today, it's cold.  Really cold.  I still don't have a thermostat on my car and I had to go out this morning to drop off medicine with Ryan, and I was freezing.  I wanted to put the heat on in my car, but I think I need the thermostat before I can.  Though I'm not sure.  Maybe I froze for nothing.

I still haven't turned the heat on in my apartment either, and it's almost November.  I know I will have to do that soon, but I am enjoying the lower power bills, since I am not running my a/c much anymore either.  I would love to look into solar energy california and find a way to lower my power bill that way, but since I do live in an apartment, I don't think that is a realistic option for me.

I think the best way for me to keep my power bill under control is to wait as long as I can to turn the heat on.  The kids and I can layer our clothes and snuggle under blankets while watching television.  And I don't know about you, but I always sleep better then the house is a little chilly.

Especially when I have someone in my bed to snuggle with.

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