Saturday, October 29, 2011

Someday, Maybe

I would love to someday own my own home.  Of course, that would mean I would also have to someday win the lottery, and since I don't actually play the lottery, I guess I'm out of luck.  But, if I did ever have the opportunity to have a home of my own, I would want it build to my specifications. 

Of course, it would have a huge kitchen.  The rest of the house wouldn't matter too much to me, but I would be very adamant about what my kitchen would be like.  First off, it would be huge.  I would want room for a huge table and lots and lots of appliances.  I watch a lot of food shows on television, and I love the big stoves that the chefs use.  Yes, I realize that that might not be practical in a regular home, but I want one anyway.

Second, I would want lots of counter space.  I have seen some beautiful  Marble Countertops, especially the ones that are dark in color.  The kitchen counter in my apartment are almost white, and every little thing stains them.  I spend more time cleaning the counters with bleach than I do cooking.

Third, I would want a huge fridge.  I used to have a beautiful, big black fridge, but when I moved here I had to sell it.  The one I have now is tiny, and it doesn't hold much, which stinks because I used to food shop once a month, and now I have to go once a week because I have no room to store food.

Lastly, I would want to hire a maid to clean my kitchen after I cook a delicious meal for my kids.  It's more fun to cook than it is to clean.

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