Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Nerve Of Some People

What would you do if someone called the school for information about your kids?  Someone who is not related to you and has no business even being involved with anything to do with your kids schooling?

Me? I called her and blasted her out.  I mean, I am their mom. It's my job, not hers, to deal with everything in their lives.  It pisses me off to no end that she thinks she has any right, whatsoever, to check up behind me. 

I am also pretty pissed that the school even discussed my child with her.  They are going to get a phone call from me on Monday as well.  I wonder if she pretended to be me to get the information?

I am getting so sick and tired of this person thinking she has any say when it comes to my kids.  They are nothing to her.  They have a mom.  They have a dad.  They don't need anyone else. 

The thing that kills me is that she seems to think I am the bad person in all of this.  I am not the one who did anything wrong.  I didn't steal someone's husband.  I didn't break apart a family.  The only thing I do is make sure my kids are happy and safe. 

And that's MY job!

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