Saturday, November 26, 2011

I Have A New Niece!

Yesterday morning I got a phone call from my mom saying that my sister-in-law was in labor.  She wasn't due until the end of December, but I guess the baby didn't want her birthday too close to Christmas.  I headed to my mom's house and rode with her the 90 minutes or so it takes to get to my brother's house.  On the way we got the phone call that the baby was born, and both mom and baby were doing great.  I love babies, and was thrilled when I got to hold my beautiful new niece for the first time.

This is their sixth child, so they are both pros when it comes to child care.  However, I am sure there are moments when they both wish they had an extra set of hands.  Carrying around a new infant while chasing after five other small kids is not going to be easy, so I was thinking that they might need some things to help make life a little easier.  I don't know if she has ever used a baby carrier wrap before, but these things look pretty awesome.  My sister-in-law would be able to keep the new baby close while still being able to use both hands.  Of course, I am sure she would do a little research first to find the best baby carriers available.  I know I would. I would read all the reviews I could find before making a decision. 

It still amazes me how much information is readily available on the internet.  I don't know how we ever made informed decisions before googling things. 

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