Saturday, November 26, 2011

Organizing Your Garage

I have never lived in a house with a garage.  Weird, I know.  I do know people who have garages but can not get their cars into them because they are filled with so much junk.  My dad, however, has the neatest garage I have ever seen.  There is a place for everything and everything is in it's place. 

If I ever do live somewhere with a garage, I would see it as a place to store things, not just park my car.  With the right garage cabinets, keeping it organized would be easy.  Of course, having garage storage cabinets and using them properly might be a challenge for some people.  I mean, I have storage cabinets in my house now that were perfectly organized at one point in time but they are a mess now.  I blame my kids.  They have a tendency to not know how to put things back where they belong.

Ryan seems to keep his room more organized than the girls do, and I am sure he would help to keep our garage neat and clean.  He would love to have steel storage cabinets that he could organize his tools in.  In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if he tried to convince me to get him some Arrow Spacemaker storage cabinets for his bedroom here at the apartment.  Right now, he has so many tools and tool boxes in his room that you can hardly walk in there.  But, he's a boy, and I guess even as kids, boys love their toys.

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