Saturday, November 26, 2011

Going To School Online Might Just Work For Me

A new year is about to begin, and as many changes as I faced this year, I think next year holds just as many for me.  I will be filling for divorce in February. It still amazes me that a year has almost gone by since my ex walked out the door.  My son will be driving soon, which scares me in so many ways.  My daughter will be fifteen, and probably ready to start dating.  My baby will be 10 next week.  Double digits.  Crazy.

I know I have written in the past about going back to school, and how I just don't have the time right now.  I think next year, I might put some effort into finding the time.  I love the job I have now.  I have a boss who is amazingly awesome, and my hours are great.  But, there never seems to be enough money to do the things I want to do with, and for, the kids, so I'm thinking that going back to school might be a good idea.

I did attend college for a while after high school, but it was a community college and I never did get my degree.  Back then, I wanted to open my own day care center, so I was taking a lot of early childhood development classes.  As much as I would love to still do that, I am thinking about studying something that will lead to a better paying job.  My mom is always saying how much money nurses can make, and I hear being an x ray technician pays pretty good, too. 

I am not looking to actually go to school everyday.  I would much rather take classes online.  At least then I would be able to work it better into my schedule, without having to worry about missing a 5pm class because I had to work late.  I know a lot of people have gotten their degrees from online schools, so it can't be that hard, right?


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