Saturday, November 26, 2011

Christmas Shopping

 So, we are less than a month away from Christmas.  For the first time ever, I am not done with my shopping.  In fact, I only started shopping this past weekend.  A lack of money has a lot to do with it, as does the fact that my kids are being pretty tight lipped about what they actually want this year.  I think it might be partly my fault, since they know I am struggling with money, so they don't want me to feel bad if they ask for something that would be impossible for me to get for them.

I have more for the girls at this point, simply because they are easier to buy for.  I was having trouble buying stuff for Ryan, so I took him shopping with me and he picked out a bunch of stuff for himself.  Sure, he won't be surprised Christmas morning, but at least he is getting things he wants.  I know there are things he didn't ask for that he really wants, and most of those things are electronic.  To be honest, I would needs a few Geek Gadgets and Discount Coupons to afford even the cheapest of the things he wants, but I promised him, and the girls, that when I get my tax refund in February, they will each get $100 to spend on whatever they want.  I also promised to buy them an xbox, which is what they really want.  They seem to have developed an unhealthy addiction to Call Of Duty, which they play at their dad's house.

I was talking to my sister the other night while we were Black Friday shopping about how I am not going to be able to get anything for my nieces or nephews this year.  She understands, but that doesn't change the fact that I really wish I could.  I especially wish I could get something for my newest niece who was born yesterday.  I could use a Things Remembered coupon to get something engraved for her.  I also wish I could get more for my mom and dad, seeing as how they have both done so much for me this past year.  I could use some RedEnvelope promo codes to get each of them something special, but I will probably end up just letting the kids paint them some ornaments or something.  Luckily, I have a stash of unpainted ornaments that I have accumulated over the years during after Christmas sales. 

I am hoping my kids, and my family, won't be too disappointed this year.  I plan on making it up to them next year, though, when I am more financially secure.

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