Wednesday, November 16, 2011

My Eating Habits

I saw my therapist tonight.  It was a good session.  We talked about all the stress in my life right now, from worrying about money to Bob and the kids.  She helped me fill out an assessment, which is something we should have done our first session nine months ago.   She asked me all kinds of questions, and most of them were easy enough to answer.

She asked me what I think my strengths are and what I like about myself, and that one was kind of hard to answer.  I think we ended up putting down that I am funny, compassionate, hard working and a great mom.  She also asked about my eating habits, and was a little worried about my answer.  I told her that I eat enough, but not much.  I told her I keep snacks in the van for the days I can't stop for lunch, and she suggested I keep snacks at home, too.  Of course, she suggested healthy snack like veggies, fruits, and even calcet creamy bites to help me get the nutrition I need.   I do keep granola bars and almonds in the van, so it's not like I'm eating bed stuff. 

She asked me if I have lost more weight, saying I looked really good.  I found that funny, since I was working in the rain all day and I looked like a drowned rat.  Truthfully, I haven't been on the scale in a while, so I could have lost some more weight.

That would be a good thing.

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