Friday, November 18, 2011

I'm Stressed And A Vacation

I have had a rough week at work.  For some reason, we were really busy this week, and breaks were few and far between.  I messed up on Monday, and though my boss was understanding, I still feel like I let him down.  I have been under a lot of stress, mostly due to Christmas creeping up and my not having much for the kids yet.  I am seriously thinking about taking some of my tax money in February and taking off for a weekend vacation somewhere.

I'm not sure where I want to go, because I haven't taken a vacation in such a long time.  Living in South Carolina, the mountains and the beach are both good options, but I'm thinking I want to go north and visit my sisters.  It will be a long drive for just a weekend trip, so I might have to talk to my boss about taking some time off.  I would love to visit one of the Poconos Family Resorts because I used to go every year with my grandparents when I was younger, and I loved it.  I am pretty sure I could convince my sisters to meet me there so we could spend some time together.  I would have to convince my mom to go with me, too, because there is no way I am driving 12 hours with just the kids.  I would be afraid to stop and use the restroom by myself.  And if you know me at all, you know that I use the bathroom often. 

Then again, I might just stay close to home and take a weekend to myself.  I could rent a hotel room somewhere and spend the weekend with a good book and some movies.  Or I might invite a certain friend to spend the weekend with me. 

Oh wait, I do that now, only we spend the weekend in my apartment.  And trust me, it is very relaxing.

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