Saturday, November 12, 2011

Playing School

Brandi is a little smarty pants.  I promise I am not just being biased because she is my kid.  She really is super smart.  She is in the advanced classes at school, and one of her favorite things to do is help her friends with their homework.  There are days I come home from work and there are four or five other kids here with her working on their homework together. 

She also loves to play school with her friends.  A few weeks ago, she was playing school with her little cousin, and they had a ball.  My mom has a dry erase board hanging in the playroom in her house, and Brandi was writing lessons on there for Carson to do.  I wish I had some preschool worksheets for them to use.  There have been times when Brandi has made up her own worksheets for her "students".  I love her creativity.   I love that she wants to help other kids learn, whether it's her friends or her cousin.  To them, it may just be playing, but she really is helping to teach them things.

One day, she would make an excellent teacher.  Unfortunate, right now she is convinced she will be some type of performer when she grows up.  I could see her doing that, too.  Those of you who know her know how big of a drama queen she can be.  She already knows how to put on a show.

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