Saturday, November 12, 2011


Change.  I have done so much of that this past year.  I have grown as a woman and as a mother.  I have done things I never thought possible, and found a strength I never knew I had.  Yes, I know you have all heard me say this before.  And truthfully, I am going to keep saying it, because if nothing else, I am extremely proud of who I have become.

That said, there are still things I can do to better my life, not only for myself, but for my kids.  One of the things I have been thinking about is going back to school.  There are just so many options available, and I am not sure which direction I want to go.  My mom and sister both went to school and became nurses, and I know if I were to do the same I could make lots of money.  In fact, I would make a whole lot more than the minimum wage I make now. 

Nurses get to dress cute, too.  I know, you think I am crazy.  But the nurses at the doctor's office where I go always look so cute in their scrubs.  The basic scrubs can be boring, but you can find all sorts of cute, different colored scrub tops at places like  You can even find scrubs sets on sale.  And as much money as nurses can make, I am sure they are just like the rest of us and love to save money anywhere they can.

The issue with me and going back to school will be finding the time to actually do it.  It's nice to dream about bettering myself, but right now, I just don't have the time. Someday, maybe, I will.  I hope.

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