Saturday, December 10, 2011

Christmas In February

 I have been doing a lot of thinking lately about Christmas and how I am unable to get the kids all the things they really want, seeing as how I don't have much money this year.  I've told them that to make up for it, I will let them have some money when I get my taxes back in February to buy whatever they want.  The girls both want cell phones, but I am not sure that will be possible, since a gift like that comes with a monthly bill that I can not afford.  I was thinking I might try to talk them into laptops.  Ryan already has one, and the girls are constantly fighting over mine. Having their own would stop the fighting.

Of course I would do some research first to find the best deal.  There are Think Geek coupons online that I can use on all kinds of electronic devices and other things, and of course I am sure I could find a Dell coupon or two as well.  My computer is a Vaio, and I love it, but it cost me $600, and I am not going to be able to spend that much on my kids.  My mom has a Dell, and she has never had a problem with it.

Ryan is going to be harder to buy for.  Since he already has a laptop and a cell phone, it will be harder to find something that he wants.  He has been talking about an xbox, but if I get that, which I plan on doing, it would be for all of them, not just him.  Maybe I will just hand him a ThinkGeek promo code and let him decide what to get for himself.   I would give him a price limit, of course.  Otherwise, he's likey to spend my entire refund check.

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